Tuesday 21 May 2019

chinese in NZ

This post is about when the Chinese came to New Zealand and the New Zealanders didn't like it so they put on a poll tax .This poem is one that I wrote from the perspective of a New Zealander at the time.The Chinese are now welcome to nz like anyone else and there is no longer any hardship or difficulty the chinese are going through.

The arrival of the devils.

In this I am trying to recreate the story on the Maori gardeners perspective what it was like when Captain Cook arrived. On a school trip we walked down to the Waikanae beach/stream to imagine what it was like when the harbour wasn't there and imagined the vision of when the Endeavour arrived to think of what it would have looked like. The challenge I find in writing this piece is that I couldn't really think of what it would have been like for the maori but I wanted to so I could make a more interesting writing piece. Today my goal in manaiakalani was that I really wanted to make a cool piece of writing that hooked the reader.

Tuesday 14 May 2019

Jimi Jackson famous newzealander.

today we had to record a short thing about our famous nzer and I chose jimi jackson.